Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Abraham Speaks

Seth Speaks inspired Esther and Jerry Hicks to start meditating for 15 minutes a day. In time, Esther started moving her nose around mysteriously. Finally, she realized that she was writing letters of the alphabet with her nose! With this interesting form of communication, Abraham was able to talk with Esther and Jerry for the first time! With some practice, Esther was able to speak for Abraham.

Here is an excellent clip on youtube that will introduce their message:


And one on a rampage of appreciation!


You can find the above pictured video at the library. Click on the picture to go to their website and you will find free music and clips, as well as books and seminar info.


Monday, September 17, 2007

Streams of Consciousness

The reading has become more intense or rather more thought provoking in the sense that I am accumulating more ideas that need definitely to think and ponder on. The ideas that Seth presents on different issues, such as "soul," "dreams," and "after-death" are concepts that I am able to accept based on my experiences with consciousness and the progress of my life thus far.

I really liked this passage that discusses the idea of stream of consciousness. I have heard the term before: "streams of consciousness" but not sure from where. Perhaps the individual had read the book too. The passage:

"The so-called stream of consciousness is simply that-one small stream of thoughts, images, and impressions-that is part of a much deeper river of consciousness that represents your own far greater existence and experience. You spend all your time examining this one small stream, so that you become hypnotized by its flow, and entranced by its motion. Simultaneously these other streams of perception and consciousness go by without your notice, yet they are very much a part of you, and they represent quite valid aspects, events, actions, emotions with which you are also involved in other layers of reality. ... These other streams of consciousness, however, are connected with other self-forms that you do not perceive. The body, in other words, is simply one manifestation of what you are in one reality, but in these other realities you have other forms." (91)

I know I must have heard this somewhere because to me it recalls ideas and thoughts that I learned in association with Buddhist beliefs/philosophies. Regardless, the passage is a good analogy of describing the consciousness as we perceive it in our physical realm (reality). Often times I feel the undercurrent of these other realities, consciousness seeping into my present form of consciousness. It happens all the time but depends on whether I am able not to perceive it but also understand it. I may not understand what the experience is as the reality may not fit into my frame of physical reality and thus discarded in my mind.

I think to better able to expand consciousness is the aim and can be done even within some of the limitations of our physical reality (three dimension). Being more open, aware, intuitive, listening to the inner senses will aid one in expansion of consciousness and experience. Being open to the other realities, streams will allow a richer experience in learning to know thyself.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Taking Play Seriously

Seth Speaks is not exactly the type of book to just breeze through. In fact, it's really the type of book that I read and underline, making comments in the margins as I go along.

One of my favorite all-time ever horoscopes mentioned something to the tune of the Universe being a divine comedy in which it was conspiring to give me exactly what I need.

Seth revealed this thought to me again, and I wonder if the author of that horoscope read Seth Speaks, too. Perhaps this concept is as old as the Universe itself, and my guess is that the latter is probably true.

From Seth Speaks:

"When one has been born and has died many times, expecting extinction with each death, and when this experience is followed by the realization that existence still continues, then a sense of the divine comedy enters in.

"We are beginning to learn the creative joy of play. I believe, for example, that all creativity and consciousness is born in the quality of play, as opposed to work, in the quickened intuitional spontaneity that I see as a constant through all my own existences, and in the experience of those I know.

"I communicate with your dimension, for example, not by wiling myself to your level of reality, but by imagining myself there. All of my deaths would have been adventures had I realized what I know now. On the one hand you take life too seriously, and on the other you do not take playful existence seriously enough."

Interestingly enough, I picked up a movie called "Fearless," with Jeff Bridges, at the ASU library. Can't believe I have never seen it before. An early 90s flick it appears.

If you can get your hands on it, watch it.

It has an interesting twist at the end that I would love to discuss. It's relative.

BTW, I wrote a new Dissertation Blog, and it does include some ideas from Seth Speaks, and more.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Present Thoughts

My reading today took me on some interesting thoughts and contemplations.

One is the idea that our physical environment is a creation of reality that we created through consciousness. What we see as physical objects in our everyday outer environment is matter and form that is created by our consciousness (in the three dimensional state). Of course there are other realities that are going on concurrently. "you create your larger environment and the physical world as you know it by propelling your thoughts and emotions into matter," (41). That makes sense, creating our environment and what we "see" from our consciousness ever in constant motion of change. However, what has me a bit puzzled or rather seems miraculous is that not only we are doing it at an individual level with our thoughts, emotions, and interpretations into the collective "consciousness" but we are doing it "en masse." En masse??? Whoa! Do we actually perceive this physical reality the same between two people, dozens of people, among societies? It does not seem possible unless I am missing something. Is there some formula? Like for instance a rock? A rock will be a rock given under certain consciousness trends? I am actually tempted to say we do not perceive the same view, like for instance a sunset, the same as a fellow friend whom we we went on a stroll together. We would probably interpret the variation of colors, for instance, of the sun or the sky changing colors. I say this because no two thoughts, emotions, interpretations are alike. It is constantly changing. All very interesting to reflect on.

Second, I am already getting into the dreams even before reaching the chapter about dreams (I looked ahead to see where dreams would be discussed per se). One quote that really stood out for me: "Now whenever you think emotionally of another person, you send out a counterpart of ourself, beneath the intensity of matter, but a definite form.... When I think emotionally of someone else, I do the same thing, except that a portion of my consciousness is within the image, and can communicate." (42). It is not talking about dreams per se but the passage made me think about dream states since that is when the consciousness seems to be freely working in different channels of reality. Started me thinking on my dreams. I know several things from my own experiences of dreams. If I am thinking of someone very intently as I am going to sleep, more often than not, they are in my dreams that night, which actually occurred last night. I also communicate with other people during my dream states. I am still exploring this area as it appears to be still selective for me or just not have expanded more of the conscious awareness of this area. And since reading the chapter of reincarnational dramas, I started to think that perhaps some of the dreams I have and the people in them are not only created by me. But had a fleeting idea that perhaps I am seeing some of my other dramas (realities) in the other "life times" occurring right now and truly do know these people that I seem to either interact in or watch. Very fascinating to think on. I have always loved dreaming and now giving me more ideas to think about for what is occurring.

That's about all for the evening. I doubt I will be writing every night, who knows though.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Inner Eyes

So I embark on reading Seth Speaks, a book about expanding consciousness. It is funny in some ways because much of the material, the general concepts that are being thus expressed in the few chapters I have read, are not new ideas to me. But rather something I already know but just have never really put down into words or expression because the basic truth is our three dimensional reality is limited on some grounds to such explanations. Or ways have it, does not fit into the current world's model of reality.

Seth begins with an overall message about what he wishes to convey: "You create the world that you know. You have been given perhaps the most awesome gift of all. The ability to project your thoughts outward into physical form. The gift brings a responsibility," (page 6). Already this quote passage has got me thinking, "Wow, we have created ourselves in a sense and because what we have created also holds a great responsibility." Our physical entity is just one reality of projection of what our conscious created.

There are so many other realities. "You exist in the midst of many other systems of reality, for example, but you do not perceive them" (page 20). And all we need to do is look within ourselves because there exist the realities of different channels that are open to us if only we stop to listen/reflect/meditate.

I feel so far with the opening chapters, overall ideas are being expressed and details into the ideas will come. Good. I like thinking on the concepts of dreams (always have been a big fascination in my life--not so much interpreting them but just experiencing them), and reincarnations of different lifetimes, consciousness. I do believe there is something valid behind the concept of reincarnations just because of my personal experiences sometimes seem to point in a direction of a past life?

Monday, September 10, 2007


Seth is a nonphysical entity that started speaking to Jane Roberts in the 60s. Seth fondly refers to Jane as Ruburt, as he has known her in several different existences as both man and woman, and this name sums up her complete existence to the fullest. Jane's husband Rob, called Joseph by Seth, wrote down the entire book as it was dictated by Seth through Jane in the comfort of their living room.

As Ingrid said, Seth doesn't waste any time getting down to business!

If you would like to hear a recording of Seth, or learn more about them:

Ingrid and I will be reading the book and sharing our thoughts here. If you have read the book, or would like to join us for the first time, please feel free to join us in this endeavor! I encourage you to see life from a completely different perspective, to realize your true creative capacity!