Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Inner Eyes

So I embark on reading Seth Speaks, a book about expanding consciousness. It is funny in some ways because much of the material, the general concepts that are being thus expressed in the few chapters I have read, are not new ideas to me. But rather something I already know but just have never really put down into words or expression because the basic truth is our three dimensional reality is limited on some grounds to such explanations. Or ways have it, does not fit into the current world's model of reality.

Seth begins with an overall message about what he wishes to convey: "You create the world that you know. You have been given perhaps the most awesome gift of all. The ability to project your thoughts outward into physical form. The gift brings a responsibility," (page 6). Already this quote passage has got me thinking, "Wow, we have created ourselves in a sense and because what we have created also holds a great responsibility." Our physical entity is just one reality of projection of what our conscious created.

There are so many other realities. "You exist in the midst of many other systems of reality, for example, but you do not perceive them" (page 20). And all we need to do is look within ourselves because there exist the realities of different channels that are open to us if only we stop to listen/reflect/meditate.

I feel so far with the opening chapters, overall ideas are being expressed and details into the ideas will come. Good. I like thinking on the concepts of dreams (always have been a big fascination in my life--not so much interpreting them but just experiencing them), and reincarnations of different lifetimes, consciousness. I do believe there is something valid behind the concept of reincarnations just because of my personal experiences sometimes seem to point in a direction of a past life?


Mrs. SwedeHart said...

I completely agree with you when you say what you are reading is something you have always known. I find it so easy to embrace the concepts in this book. Quantum physics and the calapas Swede talks about discovering in meditation uphold it all.

Knowing the expansiveness of other dimensions and forms of thought and communication really free me to explore myself within and without completely uninhibited. This summer has been a very powerful shift for me. I find myself at the center of the Grandmother Earth, talking to her, and I find myself in the stars, looking from a distance at Earth, feeling the presence of Grandfather spirit.

I no longer feel limited to my body, and often times am compelled to voyage outside of it. I have learned that our soul does not have to reside in our heads at all times. It can travel freely through the body, seeing in different ways. It can leave the body.

Now I am more and more compelled to explore these other dimensions. String theory says there must be at least 11. What are these other dimensions like? I wonder if Seth will be able to explain it to us.

Gipsy Ing said...

The book is becoming more interesting. Yes, I am wondering about the other realities and what they are like. Since reading and posting my new thoughts, I am wondering if we can actually have access to the other realities. I would think so. Dream states, meditation seems come to mind as they are some forms we can do to expand consciousness. And of course the use of creativity. The consciousness seems to be very active during this stage when people are being creative... using that energy.