Friday, September 14, 2007

Taking Play Seriously

Seth Speaks is not exactly the type of book to just breeze through. In fact, it's really the type of book that I read and underline, making comments in the margins as I go along.

One of my favorite all-time ever horoscopes mentioned something to the tune of the Universe being a divine comedy in which it was conspiring to give me exactly what I need.

Seth revealed this thought to me again, and I wonder if the author of that horoscope read Seth Speaks, too. Perhaps this concept is as old as the Universe itself, and my guess is that the latter is probably true.

From Seth Speaks:

"When one has been born and has died many times, expecting extinction with each death, and when this experience is followed by the realization that existence still continues, then a sense of the divine comedy enters in.

"We are beginning to learn the creative joy of play. I believe, for example, that all creativity and consciousness is born in the quality of play, as opposed to work, in the quickened intuitional spontaneity that I see as a constant through all my own existences, and in the experience of those I know.

"I communicate with your dimension, for example, not by wiling myself to your level of reality, but by imagining myself there. All of my deaths would have been adventures had I realized what I know now. On the one hand you take life too seriously, and on the other you do not take playful existence seriously enough."

Interestingly enough, I picked up a movie called "Fearless," with Jeff Bridges, at the ASU library. Can't believe I have never seen it before. An early 90s flick it appears.

If you can get your hands on it, watch it.

It has an interesting twist at the end that I would love to discuss. It's relative.

BTW, I wrote a new Dissertation Blog, and it does include some ideas from Seth Speaks, and more.


Gipsy Ing said...

The passage you wrote here jumped out at me too while I was reading. It is so very true, play. I can learn so much even by accident based on creativity play. I find news ways to express myself and sometimes discover new revelations that I did not think I had before.

In some ways, the number one reason why at times I did not like schooling was I felt forced to create something, learn something, produce something in a constricted amount of time and then have it graded. Like for instance a poem. The teacher would say write such and such a poem by tomorrow with this specific criteria. It was like a wall going up on my creativity energy. And then when I finally did "compose" something, I handed it in to be "graded." My creativity judged in a sense. But when I have leasurely time to explore ideas and just play, I sometimes see great advancement in my creativity and learning.

I have added "Fearless" to my ever growing list. I hope I can find a DVD as I only have a computer to access movies. And by the way, is it "What Dreams may Come?" with Robin Williams?

Mrs. SwedeHart said...

Yes, it is "What Dreams May Come?"

Creativity is not easily forced, but unfortunately, if we want to be successful as artists in the real world, sometimes we must force it!

I am doing that right now with this movie I am making. I am brainstorming and gather information as quickly as possible so that the end product is as amazing as possible! I feel the stresses of time caving in on me, as Swede is pushing for us to start performing or we'll go broke!

Gipsy Ing said...

Yes, even though I sometimes groan to think of it, our creative energy must be forced. But sometimes it is amazing what does come out in situations such as these. Beautiful artistry of love.

I did not realize the movie producing was so soon! But I can imagine the beauty in it pictures and music.